User Manual - Web browser user interface

From edgertronic high speed video camera
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Camera configuration

What is a WebUI?

All edgertronic camera models feature a unified and intuitive Web Browser User Interface (Web UI). Browsing to the camera's IP address will access the Web UI, which, for most users will be the primary method of camera interaction.

To use the Web UI, you only need a laptop or other device that runs Google Chrome and can access to the camera's ethernet port. No internet access is required.

Please use the Google Chrome browser. Firefox, Internet Explorer, Edge and Safari are NOT supported.

Components of the Web UI

Figure 1: Components of the Web UI

Figure 1. The Web UI is used to configure, control, and view all edgertronic camera operations. The major elements of the Web UI are described below.

Control Box

The Control Box appears in the upper left corner by default, but can be dragged to any location. The Button Box will auto-hide after a user settable delay and can be un-hidden by moving the cursor. The Camera Control Buttons are state dependent and only appear when that function can be activated.

Click on a each of the button below to find out what each camera control button does.

Playback button 20150518222117.png Download button 20150518222117.png Settings button 20150518222117.png Eject button 20150518222117.png Help button 20150518222117.png Trigger 20150518222117.png
Playback Download Settings Eject Help Trigger

Preview Window

The Preview Window contains a real-time display of what the camera is capturing and is used to adjust exposure, focus and composition. If you have enabled any video overlay elements, they will be displayed in the live preview so they can be taken into account as you frame the video.

Active Settings

The Active Settings window appears in the lower right corner by default, but can be dragged to any location. The Active Settings and will auto-hide after a user settable delay and can be un-hidden by moving the cursor. The Active Settings displays the camera settings currently in use.

Progress bar

The Progress Bar displays the Pre-trigger and Post-trigger buffer status, with the Trigger Point as the boundary between the two buffers.

Camera Operation

In the simplest configuration, the camera operates by first calibrating, then filling the pre-trigger buffer, then filling the post trigger buffer, followed by saving the captured video.

Changing the save mode setting or the multishot count setting changes this simplified flow to provide more options on how you can use the camera. For the new user, the camera's default behavior is the simplest configuration. Once you understand the basic camera operation, you can modify the settings to unleash the full power of your high speed camera.

Supported modes of operation

The edgertronic camera can be configured for one of four modes of operation

Mode Multishot
Simple trigger and save 1 Off Disabled
Multishot with post capture save > 1 Off Disabled
Multishot with review before saving > 1 On Disabled
Multishot with background saving > 1 Off Enabled

Simple trigger and save

This is the new camera out of box experience. You trigger the camera, a video is captured then saved. Easiest way to learn how to use the camera. Best mode to use when the action being captured will happen just once until the experiment or event is setup again.

Multishot with post capture save

Allows another trigger / video capture to occur without waiting for the previously captured video to be saved. Once all multishot buffers are fill, the camera will automatically save all the captured videos. Best mode to use when there are a known number of events to be captured and the time between events is short.

Multishot with review before saving

Allows each captured video to be reviewed; modifying settings before saving, and specifying which portion of the captured videos to save. Best mode when you want to verify the action captured is in enough detail to allow proper analysis.

Multishot with background saving

Allows continuous capture, limited only by available memory, with previous captures being saved in the background with the camera ready to be triggered. Best mode for capturing repeated events with varying times between events, such as baseball pitches.

Please refer Save mode page for detailed information and CAMAPI support.

Camera settings

You can adjust the camera settings by clicking on the Settings button 20150518222117.png button.

Video playback in WebUI

Figure 4: Video playback with controls

Playback_button_20150518222117.png Figure 4: You can playback the last successfully recorded video file that is on the installed storage device by clicking on the blue play camera control playback button. Pressing the blue play icon opens a modal overlay window over the web page. You have controls to play/pause and change the location in the file where playback will occur. You can also put the video playback in full screen.

Video download in WebUI

Download button 20150518222117.png You can download the last successfully recorded video file that is on the installed storage device by clicking on the blue camera control download button. The video file will be saved to your host computer, typically in the Downloads directory.

Warning system in WebUI

The edgertronic camera supports a warning system to indicate when one or more settings may compromise video image quality. A warning box is displayed when a setting, or combination of settings, might degrade image quality. Text is displayed describing how to resolve the warning. In the settings modal, the settings causing warning are marked with a yellow warning icon.

Camera help

Help button 20150518222117.png The user and technical documentation for the edgertronic camera is available as 200+ wiki pages browsable from the Internet. When the camera software is created, a snapshot of the wiki camera documentation is taken and all of that technical documentation is available in the camera when no Internet connection is available. Clicking on the camera control help button opens a new browser tab and fetches the edgertronic wiki home page from the camera. The wiki documentation is updated regularly, so refer to the Internet version at for the latest information.


Camera configuration