Template:Software release version 2.1.2

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Version 2.1.2

Minor improvement over software release version 2.1.1 to support internal manufacturing test and calibration procedures. If your camera shipped with 2.1.2, you must continue using 2.1.2. Other users of 2.1.1 need not upgrade.

Version details

Build host: contra-lx
Built by: tfischer
Build date: 20150429185200
Build tag: ssc1
Build hash: 8b59bba

Release Notes

  • Update to FPGA code.

Resolved defects

  • None

SDK API changes

  • None

Developer changes

  • None

Known defects

The following is the list of known defect in the version 2.1.x releases.

201506101256 Powering on the camera with Smart Calibrate enabled can cause image quality problems

If you enable Smart Calibrate, power off the camera, power it back on, and then take a picture using the remote trigger, you may find the image quality is not optimal until you force the camera to calibrate again.

Work around: After powering on the camera, change a camera setting (like ISO) to force the camera to recalibrate.

201412161349 Multishot Genlock buffering can get out of sync due to power cycle or selective save

No fix defect -- there are no plans to fix this defect.

If you are in the middle of a Genlocked Multishot sequence and power cycle one of the cameras, the buffering will be out of sync once the camera is powered back on. Until the cameras configured for genlock talk to each other over the network cable, there is not way to resynchronize which multishot buffer is being used.

Work around: Power cycle all cameras that are configured and cabled for multishot and genlock.

Similarly, if you are in the middle of a Genlocked Multishot sequence and decide to save your video set, you cannot just press the save button on the Master camera's GUI since only the videos on the master will be saved.

Work around: you must press the save button on the master and all the slave camera GUIs.

201409120935 Updating camera fails if there is a space in the update tarball filename

If you download the update tarball more than once, some operating systems put a space in the file name (e.g. " (1)" so the file being downloaded will have a unique filename. If you use the file with the space in the filename, the update will fail. To work around the defect, remove the big SD card, delete the file with a space in the filename and store the original file on the big SD card. The camera will then update correctly.

201409091802 Cancel trigger at the end of capture misbehaves

No fix defect -- This is really not a defect.

On occasion, if you cancel the trigger just as the post trigger capture buffer is being filled, the camera will calibrate then save the video data instead of properly handling the cancel.

Work around: This is a race condition. The user thinks the camera is still capturing data when they press cancel, but in fact the camera has already switched to saving the captured video. Simply trim the video to get back to filling the pre-trigger buffer.

201408271324 Genlock false triggers

No fix defect -- there are no plans to fix this defect; the hardware design doesn't support any means to fix the issue.

This defect only occurs when using the Genlock feature with multiple cameras and a genlock cable.

Plugging in genlock cable may trigger both master and slave cameras. Unplugging genlock cable may trigger both master and slave cameras. Powering off a genlocked camera may trigger any other connected cameras.

Work around: connect all genlock cables before powering on the cameras.

201407211330 Refreshing browser during a save causes the camera's trigger bar to disappear

No fix defect -- there are no plans to fix this defect.

If the user refreshes the browser screen while the camera is saving video or while the post trigger bar is filling it will cause the trigger bar to disappear. The save progress bar will be visible and in most cases it will fill as normal but it may otherwise appear static. The camera's LEDs still work in this case so the user can see where the camera is in it's capture-save cycle.

Work around: The camera web user interface is not designed to work with the back / forward or refresh buttons. Avoid this defect by not using those browser features.

201407011124 Unmounting the active storage device does not cause the camera to automatically switch to another storage device

If you unmount the active storage device, you have to first remove that storage device to get the camera to switch to using another installed storage device.

Work around: physically remove the device after you have unmounted it.

201406231552 IP address reported by file on SD card is wrong if the static IP address has been manually set

You can set the camera's static IP address by manually editing the /etc/network/interfaces file. When you take the network down and back up again, the camera's address changes, but the address reported by the file on the big SD card is wrong. The System LED that reports if a static or DHCP address is used; may give the wrong indication as well.

Thanks to Craig for reporting this defect.

201406180730 Device loses some settings during device software update

Settings stored in the micro SD card read/write partition are erased during a device update. Currently only manually configured network settings and the camera capture settings are stored in the read/write partition.

201312111624 File timestamp is in GMT

No fix defect -- there are no plans to fix this defect.

The camera was intentionally designed to use GMT for the timezone when saving video files. Some might consider this a defect (issue #182).

201312021613 Browser forward and back buttons may change camera settings

No fix defect -- there are no plans to fix this defect.

If you browse to another site and then use the browser back button to return to viewing the camera, your camera settings may have changed.

Work around: either don't browse to another web site or don't use the back button when you do; simply browse to the IP address of the camera.

201311041114 Playing last recorded video can fail in rare cases

No fix defect -- there are no plans to fix this defect.

The camera will automatically switch which storage device is used when the current storage device fills up and another, non-full, storage device is available. You can not play the video recorded right before the switch occurs since the active storage device has changed.

Work around: You can remove the storage device and properly play the video by retrieving the video file from the non-active storage device.

201311101454 CAMAPI does not detect new space on mounted storage device

No fix defect -- there are no plans to fix this defect.

CAMPI handles changes in storage status using an interrupt scheme (mdev). If your SD card is full and you telnet into the camera and delete some files, no event occurs, so CAMAPI doesn't detect there is now room and the memory full message is displayed.

Workaround: after deleting the files, remove and reinsert the storage device to create a change in storage status event.