Reporting a defect

From edgertronic high speed video camera
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If your request for support says I have a problem, you will get a polite, equally vague, response that requests more information. The more detailed information you provide, the more detailed response you will receive. Your polite response may even point you to this page. Our goal is to get your issue resolved in the first email so you can spend your time on something more important.

Video quality concerns

If your issue has to do with video quality, then we need to see some of the video to know what is going on. If company privacy prevents you from sharing business critical captured video, try to capture a dummy video that you can share. Another option is to share the live preview image. You can grab a high resolution version of the live preview frame by browsing to

Include the following information in your email:

  1. Video file if possible - you will need to upload to a share and include the URL to the share as the video files are too big to email.
  2. Metadata file from the bad video - this is the file that has the same name as the video file, but ends in txt. This contains the camera serial number, setting, etc so we can more easily reproduce your issue.
  3. Image.jpg file if you can't include a video file.
  4. Make and model of lens used if you think the lens might be part of the problem.
  5. Description of steps to recreate the issue if it doesn't happen all the time.

Camera behavior concerns

If the camera is misbehaving, e.g. not capturing videos, can not browse to the camera, etc, the including the following information in your email:

  1. Metadata file from the last captured video - this is the file that has the same name as the video file, but ends in txt. This contains the camera serial number, setting, etc so we can more easily reproduce your issue.
  2. Camera log files. Browse to
    Grab all the files (most will start with messages), and put them in a zip file
  3. Description of steps to recreate the issue if it doesn't happen all the time.

Providing the log files from the camera right after it misbehaves often includes the needed information to resolve the problem.